Angel Medium/ Spiritualist- Angela Heil-Favor of God

MEDIUM, Angel Messages Minister Long Island, LI medium, Clairvoyance, ,Contact The Angels, Speak with Spirit - Paranormal Investigator-------------- FEE FOR PHONE READINGS PAGE======== PRAISE AND TESTIMONIALS Welcome To My Homepage Blog

Do you wonder if you'll find love in the New Year? Do you need a Spiritual Checkup? Do you have queries about loved ones? Did you loose your investments on Wall St and need to find ways to recover your money? Do you want Spirit to help you speak with those that have crossed over or need a chance to say:
"I Forgive You, I'm Sorry, I'm Lonely-I Miss You or Good Bye?"

Or ask : Please forgive me, I'm sorry, I love you or thank you?"





I'm Angela Heil, named by some: "The Reluctant Prophet." I work with your guardian Angels to bring you spiritual healing and guidence from beyond the veil. My guardian Angel is my Maternal grandmother Stella. She was the first Spirit to come to me at the ripe old age of four. In fact, it was on my birthday.I was unaware that she had passed only days before from a heart attack. Your guardian Angels will always be there to help you - if you listen! Call me to find out the name of  your guardian.

After receiving the gift of Sight from the Arch Angel Michael in 1994-I now possess a remarkable ability to "name names and places" with amazing accuracy providing comfort, peace and often important information that loved ones want to relay. The 'Gift' also came with the Favor of God-Discernment abilities, not merely ESP, Clairvoyance, clairaudio, remote viewing, mediumship or psychic abilities but an intercessor- intuitive healer and much, much more. As a Seer, Healer, Visionary Counselor and Intercessor I work with various religious icons and Spirit-to help you...Clients tell me that: "What comes out of my mouth manifests - on average - within 2 weeks to 36 months."

Many have stopped me in stores or on the streets to share their success stories resulting from their visit with me-stating: "Everything you told me came true." You be the judge after your session! If you have ever felt that your loved one that has passed is around you, you are most likely correct. They want to hear from us. They want us to talk to them, think of them and pray for them. If you listen,he or she will answer you back, LOVE NEVER DIES!

'm an Ordained Interfaith Minister-Reiki Master honoring all paths.Therefore, contacting the dead is not an exact science and the pricing for eachhalf hour  phone reading is based a flat fee of $125.00 using Pay Pal.


 If prefer a private phone reading at your home, or have a home party for your friends and the fee is $75 per person for each 15-20 minute reading.


The pricing for each phone reading is based a half hour fee of $125.00 using Pay Pal OR VENMO via our FEE page or call for link..631-988-5684


I can help you get those messages that they are trying to come through. I offer a wide array of options to help you reconnect with your dearly departed loved ones or help those who are bereaved.

You can schedule a private reading, join a group lecture or even host a party. [For entertainment purposes only!]A deposi to reserve date, t may be required.

Please feel free to pass this site onto friends and family. TEXTING IS BEST - today for more information or to reserve your date at: 631-988-5684.

Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older to call. Any advice or guidance you receive is not a substitute for professional advice that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a doctor, psychologist, lawyer or financial consultant. Rev. Angela will be held harmless and is not responsible for any interpretation made or used by the recipient of the information or any form of advise. Scheduling an appointment and receiving a call or a reading in person from this spiritual coach (Rev. Angela Heil), means you agree to this agreement and our-no refund policy: with the additional knowledge that this is for entertainment purposes only.


The pricing for each phone reading is based a half hour fee of $125.00 using Pay Pal OR VENMO via our FEE page or call for link..6317361371


(c) 2003-2021 by Angela Heil Ministries Inc 501c3. All rights reserved. You may not photocopy, fax, electronically transmit, download to a database, or otherwise copy, reproduce, distribute, disseminate, transfer, sell, publish, send or circulate this and/or any publication edition of A.S.H. Ministries Inc. websites, promotions, marketing ideas or any portion thereof, to any person without the express written permission of Angela Heil Ministries Inc 501c3.


The Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq.) provides that a copyright owner shall be awarded damages of not less than $500 for each work (i.e., for each of these web pages and/ or any blog-newsletters) infringed, up to $100,000 for willful infringement and may be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

Now Offering Phone Readings when using Pay Pal OR VENMO for payment$125 per Half Hour

Have a blessed day!

Every step you take today changes your tomorrows!


 John Edwards, Lisa Williams, Sylvia Brown, psychic reading, NY minister, clergy, reiki, healing, medium, prophets, seer, discernment, intercessor, favor of God, God, angels, visions, counselor, spirits, ghosts, readings, mediumship, Lilydale, clairvoyant, clairaudio, clairsentient, PSI, remote viewing, clergy, pastor, NY Officiant, LI Officiant, blessing baby, blessing pets, blessing homes, interfaith, arch angels, ghost hunter, psychic experiences, psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, the study of psychic abilities, the paranormal, the supernatural, metaphysics, and parapsychology. 

NY Psychics | New York Psychic Readings | NY Psychic Mediums | New York Psychic Medium | Paranormal Parapsychology 
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Psychic Abilities NY | New York Intercession

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